In order to participate in experiments conducted by the MSU Agricultural Economics Experiment Lab , you have to register online. By registering for laboratory experiments you're giving us permission to contact you when we are looking for volunteers for our experiments, until you ask us not to.
For each experiment, some people in the database will get an invitation by email. Only those invited can take part in the experiment.
If you get an invitation to participate, you must click on the internet link in the email invitation and select a session. By doing this, you've signed up for that session.
You will be paid your earnings in cash. Your earnings will typically consist of a show-up fee (usually $5-$10) and additional earnings made during the experiment. These additional earnings usually depend on what decisions you and the other participants make during the experiment, and sometimes also on chance.
Please note that if you are late or don't show up on time then the experiment might have to be cancelled. Because of this, if you sign up for a session, but do not show up a note will be added to your record in the database. If you get three such notes in the database, you will not receive invitations to future experiments.
Due to possible no-shows (see above), we sometimes invite more people than are required for an experiment. If too many people arrive on time then the places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. However, if you show up on time yet do not participate, you will still be paid the show-up fee.